Leadership Development for the Bold

Training with Rob McNamara

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Meditation and Embodiment Training
to Liberate & Activate the Unique Instrument of You
with Brooke & Rob McNamara

June 28 - July 4, 2020
Two Arrows Zen 
Torrey, Utah

Our present civilization often truncates and collapses your aliveness. The depth and vitality of your work, relationships and purpose have likely been compromised. We often suffer from world-spaces draining the vividness of our experience. As we cope and meander through lives distanced from our essential aliveness, creativity and inspired service, the value we generate and the world we shape for tomorrows’ generations inevitably suffers. 

ENLIVEN is a 6-day training, both rigorous and playful, in working deeply with body, mind, heart, and community. Together we reveal, liberate, and activate our interconnected, radiant aliveness. Through disciplined stillness practice and diverse movement explorations, our training opens the unique tributaries we are called to embody and enact. 

Located in beautiful Torrey, Utah on the edges of Capitol Reef National Park, you can revivify the power, direction and vital force of your life while realizing your innate, radical freedom.

Learn More & Register

Masterful in his exposition of leading developmental psychologists Robert Kegan and Susanne Cook-Greuter’s work.
David McCallum, Executive Assistant to the President, Mission Integration and Development Le Moyne College